Monday, November 17, 2008

Vocabulary and Concept Check (8.4)

  • Carbon Cycle: A process which carbon moves from inorganic to organic compounds.
  • Greenhouse Effect: A property that keeps the world warm enough for living things to survive.

Concept Check

1.) An example would be that through photosynthesis, plants convert inorganic carbon dioxide to organic compounds

2.) How is carbon dioxide important to earths climate?

Carbon dioxide is important to earths climate because it traps heat from the sun which gives earth its warm temperature.

Summary Concept 8.4

The Carbon Cycle
  • The Carbon cycle is the process which carbon moves from inorganic to organic comounds.
  • Through photosynthesis, producers such as grass inorganic carbon dioxide to organic compounds.
  • A key elemnt of the carbon cycles is carbon dioxide

Photosynthesis and Global Climate

  • Plants use carbon dioxide to make sugars in photosynthesis, and most organisms give off carbon dioxide as waste from cellular respiration.
  • Carbon dioxide in the air traps heat from sunlight
  • The greenhous effect keeps the world warm enough for living things to survive.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Concept Check (8.3)

A Trip around the Calvin Cycle

  • The calvin cycle has inputs and outputs; the inputs are carbon dioxide from the air and ATP produced by the light reactions. The output is G3P molecules.

Steps of how the calvin cycle makes sugar:

  1. Carbon dioxide enters while an enzyme adds each CO2 molecule with a RuBP molecule, forming six unstable six carbon molecules.
  2. The three six carbon molecules break into six carbon molecules called 3-PGA.
  3. ATP and NADPH provides evergy from light; molecules produced are used to convert the 3-PGA to G3P, which is a direct product of photosynthesis.
  4. Carbon exits the cycle in one molecule of G3P, plants used these molecules to make glucose and other organic compounds.
  5. Fifteen carbon atoms remain in 5 G3P molecules.
  6. ATP provides energy that rearranges the G3P molecules.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Vocabulary and Concept Checks (8.1&8.2)

Vocab 8.1
Chloroplast: A cellular organelle where photosynthesis takes place.
Chlorophyll: A chemical compound that give their organelles their green color.
Stroma: A thick fluid in the inner membrane.
Thylakoids: Disked-shaped sacs located in the stroma.
Light reactions: Converts energy in sunlight to chemical energy.
Calvin cycle: Makes sugars from the atoms in carbon dioxide, hydroen ions and high energy electrons carried by NADPH.

Concept check (8.1)
1.) Draw and label a simple diagram of a chloroplast that includes the following structures: outer and inner membranes, stroma, thylakoids.

2.) What are the reactants for photosynthesis? What are the products?
The reactants are Carbon dioxide and water and the products are glucose and oxygen

3.) Name the two main stages of photosynthesis. How are the two stages related?
The light reactions and the Calvin cycle are the two main stages of photosynthesis. They are related because light reations make ATP which provides the energy to make sugar in the Calvin cycle.

Vacob 8.2
Wavelength: The distance between two adjacent waves
Electromagnetic spectrum: Very long wavelengths of gama rays.
Pigments: A chemical compound that gives color.
Paper chromatography: A method used to observe differnt pigments in a green leaf.
Photosystems: A cluster of chlorophyll and other molecules.

Concept Check (8.2)

1.)Explain why a leaf appears green.
A leaf appears green because of the chemical compounds called pigments.

2.) Describe what happens when a molecule of chlorophyll absorbs light.
Green light is reflecteed away while blue-voilet and red is absorbed.

3.) Besides oxygen, what two molecules are produced by the light reactions?
Besides oxygen, hydrogen ions and NADPH molecules are produced by light reactions.

4.) Where in the chloroplast do the light reactions take place?
Light reactions take place in the thylakoid

Summary Concept (8.2)

Light Energy and Pigments

  • Sunlight is a form of electromagnetic energy.
  • The distance between two adjacent waves is called a wavelength.
  • The long wavelengths of radio waves is called the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Shorter wavelengths have more energy than longer wavelengths.
  • A substance's color is due to the chemical compounds called pigments.
  • Paper chromatography is a method used to observe different pigments in a green leaf.
  • Within the thylakoid membrane, chlorophyll and other molecules are arranged into clusters called photosystems.

Summary Concept (8.1)

The Structure of Chloroplasts

  • The organelle where photosynthesis takes place is called a chloroplast.
  • Chloroplasts contain chemical compounds called chlorophylls.
  • Chlorophylls give the organelles their green color.
  • Tiny spores called stomata are found on the surface of the lead.
  • Carbon dioxide comes in and goes out of the stomata
  • Viens carry water an nutrients from the plants roots to the leaves.
  • The inner membrane encloses a thick fluid called stroma.
  • The disk shaped sacs in the stroma are called thylakoids.

Chemical Equation for Photosynthesis:

Carbon dioxide+ Water --> --> Glucose + Oxygen

  • The light reactions convert energy in sunlight to chemical energy.
  • The cycle in plants that makes sugar fom carbon dioxide, H+ Ions and high energy electrons carried by NADPH is called the Calvin cycle.
  • The calvin cycle does not require light to begin.